Thursday 5 September 2013


Hello foodies!

Short post tonight.

The little tomato plants that could have ripe produce.  In is harvest time!

Now I am in need of things to do with tomatoes, because there are plenty more coming.  It seems to me a could have planned this a bit better, but, oh well.

Last weekend, my mother called to pick my brain to get ideas for a salad involving lobster.  Off the top of my head, I suspected corn would go well, and quickly googled some ideas.  Thanks for a website called Skinny Taste, I found a gorgeous tomato, corn, and lobster salad, and this was actually the first salad I made with my own tomatoes. 


The pics on the website are a tad more professional, but this is what mine looked like.  I tend to go heavy on the pepper because, well, I love pepper.  The acidity of the tomatoes and hint of onion brought by the chives played well with the sweet lobster and corn.  This salad would work with crab or shrimp as well. 

I also discovered later in the weekend when I finally made my long desired caprese salad that corn is a nice addition to that as well, which made that a vegetarian variation on the lobster salad: more tomatoes, balsamic vinegar instead of lemon juice, basil instead of chives, plus bocconcini cheese.  Still lots of pepper.  The point is, corn and tomato are a nice pairing.  Isn't it convenient that they peak at the same time?

Some other things I am planning with my tomatoes:
  • tomato and corn bruschetta with home made ricotta
  • canning stewed red tomatoes for winter
  • making and canning green tomato pickle with any fruit that doesn't ripen.
  • salads, salads and more salads
I do not anticipate tiring of my bounty.

For updates, follow me on twitter!  @culinarykira

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